Upcoming Event !

B8 of Hope would like to invite its community of friends, supporters and peace-builders to join the following virtual gathering, livestreamed from Tel Aviv and Ramallah, on Monday, April 27th :


This event is co-organized by Combatants for Peace and The Parents Circle-Families Forum. B8 of Hope is a financial sponsor of it. Many members of the peace-building community and members of The Alliance for the Middle East Peace (ALLMEP) are partnering with the ceremony.

Register on the watch page:


Combatant for Peace are former Israeli militaries and former Palestinian freedom fighters, who put down their weapons to work together for a just and peaceful solution.

Parents Circle-Families Forum represents hundreds of bereaved families from both sides sharing sorrow and joining forces on a new path of peace, equality, and dignity for all.

The joint Israeli-Palestinian ceremony is not about glorifying the manner in which anyone died but rather about sharing what the bereaved families have in common : the indicible pain of losing a child, a parent or a sibling and this important message :

“If I who have lost a beloved one can walk the path of peace, then surely you can too”.

The first ceremony back in 2006 gathered several dozens. Last year, they were over 8’000 participants. This year, the covid-19 situation makes it very challenging but we hope that they will break a record ! 

In a spirit of solidarity with Israeli and Palestinian inspiring peace-builders and in the hope of turning their model to an example for other conflicts in the rest of the world, let’s make this 2020 virtual edition and its universal message of reconciliation go viral !